Beautiful Film
26 September 2005
I do not know exactly what to say for I have never done this, but the movie was stunning. The Great Lakes Film Fest in Erie, Pennsylvania was showing it this year and luckily I had the chance to escape Florida for a while to attend. I have never gone to any type of film festival, so this was quite an experience. There were good movies shown and, of course, a handful of...well, not-so-good movies. The Empty Building was definitely one of the top films. As a side note, the actor/director/writer/... was such a nice guy; he really does appreciate the fans. He is a passionate man and it is really shown in his work.

I'd recommend seeing this film. It is not a waste of time at all. Absolutely beautiful. If you have the chance to obtain a copy, please do so. Share it with your friends. It is worth it.
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