Getting Lucky (1989)
Dances with barbarians
11 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
What an utterly, utterly bizarre film. I bought this on DVD for a couple of bucks because it looked like a pretty cool Revenge of the Nerds knock-off... but I got so much more! I got leprechauns that are small but are conveniently trapped in bottles so there's no need for special effects! I got horses that are in the film for no reason other than horses are cool! I got a house-sized set that was meant to be a girl's pubic region (wouldn't it smell in real life?). And of course I got a barbarian (!?) Yes a barbarian. I don't know why. But I got a barbarian.

And I won't even mention that tennis racquet (too late...) Was it a good film? On its budget, yes, very enjoyable. I rubbed my eyes comically until I got a headache and had to lie down with a cold flannel. Definitely worth the ten bucks I paid for it. Check this out if you get the chance, there's absolutely nothing else like it out there.

And it has a freakin' BARBARIAN!
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