How It Worked at the Brothers Warner
22 July 2005
Nine Lives Are Not Enough is a great example of the studio system at work. This is so obviously a property that was meant for the Cagney- O'Brien duo who made so many good films at Warners. Instead of Ronald Reagan as the fast talking reporter, picture Jimmy Cagney in the part and instead of Howard DaSilva as the hardboiled editor, this is Pat O'Brien to a T. See what I mean.

Pat O'Brien was ending his Warner Brothers contract stint and the studio was trying to give Cagney better parts. So we substitute Reagan and DaSilva who as a team wouldn't set the world on fire. Jack Warner was quoted once as saying the reason he supported Ronald Reagan for Governor of California was that while at Warners, Reagan was a very obliging man, who took whatever was given him without complaint. That kind of loyalty needs to be rewarded.

Despite this film being a Cagney-O'Brien hand-me-down, it's fast paced and amusing enough on it's own terms. A good cast of colorful character actors help it along. Make special note of the performances of James Gleason and Edward Brophy as the two cops reporter Reagan is assigned with in their patrol car.
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