Since You've Been Gone (1998 TV Movie)
High School (ugh!)
16 July 2005
This movie struck my adolescent home... and hard! The story line is rather brief in the drama department, mostly consisting of characterization "sketches" held together by the 10th reunion event. But I must declare, these vignettes were very much as I remember the angst of high school socializations. Every now and then I desire to watch this movie and usually end up watching it 2 or 3 times in one session. I think a good many people who have seen this movie dislike it because of the accurate recollections of those painful, "glory lost" or awkward years in high school. David Schwimmer's character as the class president reminds me of the social strata that necessitated the need to endure extreme torment. The trivial yet paradoxically significant feud between doctors McEldowney and Prince poignantly points out those events which act as a great social forge in our personal developments. There are so many personalities represented in this movie, and these personalities are highly representative of my friend's and my own high school years. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who can look back into their personal past and laugh at those formative semi-adult years in life.
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