One of the best - don't miss this show
11 July 2005
At first I was kind of skeptical about Beck. I saw the opening and later downloaded the mp3 of the opening "Hit in the USA!". I passed it up a couple times at my local store, thinking I should wait for a dubbed version, but now I'm glad I didn't. The story of Beck offers a good telling of a junior high school aged boy who finds his passion in music. The kind of music happens to be very good, guitar driven rock. (There's several influences here, Rage against the Machine is very pronounced in some parts, and others will remind you of your favorite rock ballads (new and old)) There is also some romance involved, which will have you yelling at the screen one moment and laughing out loud the next. There's not much more to say without giving the story away so you have to check this series out.
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