Review of Ace High

Ace High (1968)
Amusing and better than some
6 July 2005
Compared to the gratuitous bloodletting of a lot of this genre, this is quite a genteel effort. The plot wanders for most of its length and only (in my case) just holds the viewer's interest. At times it is very hard to get the point of the whole story. Wallach has spent the last 15 years in jail after being abandoned by his cohorts in a robbery. Out at last, he is looking for revenge. During this he steals money owed to Hill and Spencer. They chase him and get it back, he steals it again, they chase him etc.etc. The end of the movie is also bit flat and seems to peter out. However, it is amusing and has one major saving grace in Eli Wallach. Wallach is probably one of the world's best character actors. Hill and Spencer are wooden and this shows when pitted with an actor of Wallach's calibre.The guy is supposed to be a villain but you just can't help feeling sorry for him. The film is worth seeing for his performance alone. One to watch on a rainy afternoon,but would you want to watch it twice??
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