Bad writing is what sunk the Robinsons' ship...
17 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
What starts out as a potentially interesting film falters before it hits the midway mark. The writers came up with an interesting premise to shipwreck the family, but as soon as they land on the island, it's like the writers didn't know what to do with the family members. In an effort to prolong the film, they add in scenes that slow down the film, such as showing son Shane Robinson surfing, daughter Elizabeth writing in a journal, or dad Jack being chased by a hungry panther.

One could tell they were really running out of ideas when they introduced the character of Francoise, a flirty French-speaking Asian teenager who survived a plane wreck that killed her parents and left her alone for ten years. A cringe-inducing plot line that will have the viewer rolling his eyes, Francoise kidnaps Shane, ties him up, feeds him chewed-up food, tries to steal a peek at his member, and somehow manages to get Shane to fall madly in love with her based on the initial meeting alone. Francoise adds nothing to the story, except to prolong the misery of the film.

The final escape from the island is too unrealistic to even comprehend, and leaves the viewer wondering where the last two hours of his life went.
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