Review of Dummy

Dummy (2002)
funny and very likable
15 June 2005
Ventriloquism turns up in movies and TV most often as the occupation of murderous psychopaths, but Dummy has a somewhat more realistic and creative idea; a shy wannabe ventriloquist who lets his witty, caustic side come out through his dummy. Adrien Brody is extremely likable as the ventriloquist and Milla Jovovich is quite funny and appealing as a low-brow but well-meaning punk rocker whose attempt to become a wedding singer is perhaps slightly more interesting than the main plot. The movie has a gosh-gee-whiz charm to it and a Sweet follow-your-dream sensibility, but it has a light humorous touch that keeps it from becoming cloying.

While enjoyable, the movie feels like the work of a director who still has some things to learn. The movie tries too hard at times to be quirky, and there are places where the story could have been filmed more simply and moments that ring false in their quirkiness. And the script can at times feel a little too pat. It's nothing terrible, it just feels slightly off. But on the whole, an excellent movie.
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