High Strung (1992)
It's a hit or miss movie
4 June 2005
I was working at a video store when this movie came to my attention. I had seen the box any number of times and thought about checking it out because it has Jim Carrey in it, but never got around to it. Then one day a customer returned the movie while I was working and I asked how it was. "Terrible!" he said. "It's just some guy hanging out in his apartment, complaining about everything that annoys him." And that's when I decided to see it; to me, that sounded like a pretty decent film. I was pleasantly surprised. It was better than decent; it is one of my favorite films of all time. The directing is interesting, the acting is not great, and the plot is light but cute. The reason to watch this film is for Steve Odekirk ranting about all the things that annoy him, from smokers to people on gameshows, to Happy The Clam. It's good, it's funny, and it stands up extremely well to repeat viewing (I can't get bored of it). But you probably need the right personality type to appreciate it.
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