Really Bad !
9 April 2005
This a good example of the type of potboiler movie made to fill out the bottom half of a double feature program. Double features were very common in the 1930's and 40's and the second half were very cheaply produced and usually mediocre at best. The Guildersleeve series rarely rose to that level. "Guildersleeve's Ghost" is an attempt to create a comedy/mystery movie which is a hard job- it can easily become ridiculous and boring instead of funny and that is what has happened here. If you want to see better examples of the type try some of the Abbot and Costello series where they meet scary characters such as the Invisible Man,Frankenstein, the Mummy or Jekyll and Hyde. I think the best example of comedy/mystery is the 1939 haunted house Bob Hope movie "Cat and the Canary". But don't waste your time with "Guildersleeve's Ghost". The only amusing part of this movie is Hal Peary's laugh and Mr Peavey's classic line "Well I wouldn't say that"-not enough to support an hour long film !!
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