Demon Cop (1990)
The Best Worst Film Of All Time!
1 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
After reading the comments made by the other reviewer about this film, who is clearly a film buff, I thought I would include my own point, as someone who watches films simply for the crack. Demon Cop is no Lord Of The Rings or Terminator 2, but it does make for some compelling viewing, for the simple fact you have no idea whats going on, it looks like it was made by a blind man, and not once in the film is the Demon actually a cop! This film is so bad its fantastic! The film starts with and introduction by a Doctor who is the head of a mental asylum, who talks of one of his patients (the Demon Cop), which I cant see how he can talk about him as he dies at the end of the film, and not once was he in the asylum! Then we move to a seen where a man is being chased by the Demon Cop. This is hilarious as the man is sprinting for dear life while the Demon Cop plods behind, but he's only ever just in front of the Demon Cop! The Demon Cop himself is brilliant - from what I can gather, he's an ex-Special Forces/ Vietnam war hero who got a medal, who was involved in a drive-by shooting, who has HIV, who is a cop, sings songs in 'Demon Form', can't open doors and gets fooled by women in wheelchairs with tazer guns! You can imagine how bad this is. The production itself is horrendous. The opening credits mix are written in chalk on a wall (which you can't read), when people are talking it either shows the back of their heads, their mouths or their eyes, rarely their full face (can't blame them really - I wouldn't want to be shown in this film) and the music is done by a 3 year old on a knackered keyboard. It gets worse on from here, but thats what my review is about. Top marks to the distribution company for releasing this, whatever you were on that day I want some! The film is awful, but it gets full marks because it is so bad, i could watch it again and again and laugh my head off, which is strange as its supposed to be a horror movie! I will finish with saying that if you want to watch a good movie, clearly avoid like the plague. But if you want a film that you and your friends can watch while having a beer then this is a must. Recommended because its so bad! Bring on the DVD version, if ever!
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