Haiku Tunnel (2001)
Holy Crap this movie was so bad that I now believe there never was a Jesus
5 January 2005
Seriously, this Josh Kornbluth character needs to go down. I don't know where you guys got the money to make this super ultra mega garbage crap, but if you stole it from me I will take serious revenge. Violent, messy, disrespectful, smelly revenge. Damn you Kornbluths!!!!! Damn you!!!!!!

Here's a haiku for you ridiculously untalented, money wasting, thinking you're all funny and insightful when you are in fact useless, 2 hours of my life ruining hacks:

This movie sucks. It sucks more than a baby calf at its mother's teet. It seriously is so bad that you will roll around in agony, willing to kill your whole family just to make it stop. I almost killed myself during this movie. Don't rent it even if it's free. As bad as I'm making it sound...it's way worse. They should test nuclear weapons on this movie. This movie proves there was no god as he would have surely stopped such a horrible atrocity. If you want to see a much better movie about the quirks of office life then just watch anything else. anything at all. Even a movie about gay pirates. If you want to see the best movie involving an office of any kind watch Die Hard. Die Hard rules. Die Hard should have stopped Kornbluth before so much irreparable damage was done to the world. Kornbluth, thou art my nemesis Grrrrr!!!!!!

I know it's not your standard haiku, but I just had to get it all out.

P.S. The formatting did't work and so my poem has been robbed of some of its luster.
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