What I think should happen.
12 November 2004
Hello everyone who loves Earth Star Voyager. In 1988 when this movies first came out. I like all of you had to wait for the second half of it. Luckily, I recorded it on video tape. I fell in love with this movie and have watched it ever since. I was in 7th grade when I first saw it. What I think needs to happen it this. I was very unhappy that we didn't get to see the rest where they get to the planet Demeter. Obviously Admiral Beezly wasn't going to be defeated that easily, and the outlaw tech zone could repair the damage. Being that is would take Voyager a long time to assemble more than a rail gun, it is to say they now have to ships capable of going after them will a lot more fire power. So I believe a sequel is in order or a TV series with the same characters and hopefully the same actors incuding Jake Brown, who for some of you donot know played Dirk Blackpool on the original TV series Dungeons and Dragons, or something along those lines. Well thats all, oh and don't forget there are probably more shells to deal with id be happy with a role playing game of it but a sequel would be nice.
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