Review of The Village

The Village (2004)
Shows promise but then caves to fit a stereotype.
4 August 2004
The Village is a sociology experiment disguised as a cheap horror movie. The plot is simple, a group of people live an Amish lifestyle deep in the Pennsylvania woods. Nobody in their uptopian community dares venture into the surrounding woods, for if they do may the creatures they do not speak of have mercy on thier souls. Somebody gets hurt and therefore the frightened yet peaceful people send one of thier own (who just happens to be blind and therefore fears nothing) into the woods to the "towns" to fetch medicine for thier fallen Lucius. This film was written, directed and produced by M Night Shamalyan, a highly skilled filmmaker who is in the zone to be the next Spielberg. This movie isnt bad, not by any means. Shamalyan still writes some of the best conflicted and tortured characters in hollywood. Its just a shame that he is being sucked into a stereotype of being the Sixth Sense guy, making movie after movie with cheap (but i must admit effective jump scares) and twisted endings that get the water cooler buzz going. He's already proved his natural aptitude for creating suspenseful situations. Mosty notably in Signs and the vastly underrated Unbreakable. In Shamalyan's village he weaves a semi-believeable story with strong and emotionally engaging characters. His big mistake is the jump scares he throws in, if you have seen only one of his previous films anyone should know exactly where and when he is going to scare you. Too bad all the scares in the Village feel way out of place and placed for audience gratification. I liked this movie, i liked the ending, i liked the suspense but the movie tried (mostly thanks to its marketing scheme) to be a horror film. Mr Shamalyan, you've got the talent, you show signs of an early Spielberg (i.e. Jaws, ET and Close Encounters of the Third Kind...), but please leave the jump scares to the Halloween and Friday the 13th franchise's. Dont settle into comfort, take risks.

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