a wasted hour of my life! *
7 November 2002
In less than an hour there will be a two-minute silence for an event that truly shook the world. Therefore, perhaps the showing last night (10th September) of 'Seven Days that Shook the Spice Girls' was ill-timed. Basically it appears the Spice Girls were on the brink of world domination when they sacked their mentor/manager, Simon Fuller. The days were not sequential and the programme seemed to be struggling to find enough material to create seven crisis points. Neither Simon Fuller nor the Spice Girls took part in this programme.

My reason for watching was Richard E Grant, but his appearances were so brief that if you blinked you missed them. Probably because, unlike other contributers, he seemed unable to treat the subject with the solemnity the producers were seeking. Next day I am totally unable to recall any of the comments he or anyone else made. No one died. All the spice girls have continued to enjoy fame and fortune. Even Simon Fuller has gone on to greater things. In the balance of things this programme added nothing to the world but just filled one of Channel 4 schedule slots.

One thing September 11th taught many of us is that's life is too short, it is certainly too short for people to waste making or watching this programme.

* As normal with TV I was doing something else so not completely wasted.
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