A chance to make a great and fun movie blown, big time...
24 December 2003
I'm amazed that anyone could produce, direct or edit this movie without saying, "this isn't going to work." They all had an opportunity to make a sort of "Miss Blonde Goes to Washington", sort of a fun version of the classic "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." It starts with the premise of the young naive lawyer going to Washington and witnessing the corruption, ineptitude and special interests that make this country run in spite of themselves. But about half way through, when it should get serious about taking on the bureaucracy, it degenerates into a stupid and inane bit with sorority sisters and ultimately cheerleaders doing a dance piece on the Capital's steps. At that point I was about to change channels, but I chose to watch to see how it ends. I could have lived with even a predictable ending, but not only was it predictable but was a boring, dumb, waste of an ending.

Another one of those "Lost Opportunity" movies where one has to say, "What were they thinking?" If they were thinking they only wanted to reach the stereotypical dumb blonde, who is also a sorority sister and a valley girl they may have hit their mark. For the other 99.9% of the population this looks like they had their heads up their proverbial "whatevers" when they made this one.

I mostly enjoyed Legally Blonde, but 2 was a waste of my time.
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