20 February 2003
"Mario Bava:Maestro of the Macabre" is a great documentary about life and career one of the legendary directors of the Horror Cinema.There are many interviews with directors,producers,relatives of Mario Bava,film critics,authors and actors.Some of the guests are:Bava historian Tim Lucas,Gremlins director Joe Dante,"Danger:Diabolik" star John Phillip Law,film critic and horror specialist Kim Newman,AIP founder Samuel Z.Arkoff,Mario Bava's admirers John Carpenter and Tim Burton,talented horror actress Daria Nicolodi,screenwriter Dardano Sacchetti,E.T. creator Carlo Rambaldi and Mario Bava's son Lamberto.But some important and big names are missing like Dario Argento,Barbara Steele,Martin Scorsese..Argento was a friend,collaborator and successor of Bava.Steele was created by Bava with masterpiece "La Maschera del demonio"..Scorsese is another admirer of his films..Still,you can watch and watch again this effective documentary.There are lovely memories,interesting studies and comments.
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