Wrong Turn (I) (2003)
Predictable Dung
22 October 2003
As some have pointed out, this movie is something of a throwback to 1980s teen slasher flicks like Friday the 13th, blah blah blah. But while most of the people saying this seem to consider that a positive thing, I don't, since those movies totally sucked.

Every stupid cliche from every one of those retarded movies is also in this piece of crap, right down to the moronic "Boo! You thought I was the killer, but it's just me, one of the heroine's dumbass friends jumping out and trying to scare her!" gag.

I could go on and on raining my richly deserved contempt down upon this festering turd of a flick, but it's not even worth the effort. If you enjoy your movies so predictable you could write the entire rest of the script yourself after watching the first five minutes, by all means check this out. To everyone else I say: Do yourself a favor and spend the hour and a half you might waste watching this pile of excrement doing something more productive, like picking lint out of your belly button.
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