Truely Unforgettable
14 February 2002
To give a short summary of the movie it´s about a gay couple, and their difficulties when one of them falls in love with a woman.

I had high expectations prior to seeing this movie because many of my friends had recommended it to me. On top of that, it was one of the best reviewed Danish movies of the year, but I was truely disappointed. A movie that in it´s trailer wishes to appear as a fun, light hearted movie that contains funny scenes such as one where the main character compares his boyfriends penis to vegetable. But this movie is only sporadically funny. It tries to combine a much to serious story with jokes that could have been part of American Pie. THAT does not work.

Mads Mikkelsen(perhaps THE most popular actor in Denmark) seems out of place and constantly gives one the impression that he would rather have been somewhere else. But having said that, I still must still applaud many of the actors appearing in this movie, Troels Lyby(who represents the serious(but sadly boring) part of the movie, Peter Frödin(funny as always) and Nikolai Steen(extremely funny in a quite grotesque role.

So the conclusion to my review is: if you wish to see a funny movie(that does not share the bottom level of scary movie or not another teen movie) - don´t waste your money here. Amelie or Bridget Jones´diary are much higher on my scale.

evaluation 5/10
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