Demonicus (2001)
"I'll pretend I'm dead again!"
17 August 2001
Oh, if only I could say the same thing. This movie...Excuse me, that is too big a word to use for this heap. A movie is something people want to watch, and get some pleasure out of doing it. No, this 8mm mess is just plain absurd. Full Moon/Cult Video has really delivered a big bomb this time. Demonicus, is a total waste of a few thousand dollars (refering to the budget), a day or 2 of wasted time (the time frame this movie was made in), and just a down right disgrace to low-budget filmaking. I am all for the Indie/Low-Budget scene. I am/was a big Full Moon fan. However, with all of their latest offering, I am inclined to tenure my title of "fan" and pick up on another company or genre of films.

I agree with the previous review: The amputation scense looked to be straight out of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Though, they were done a little better in that movie. Laughable dialouge, appalling action, ridiculous costumes and unnecessary anger, make this turkey dead from the get-go. I cannot believe someone actually thought this was a good idea to produce, and the release this to the public. There is a bullet out there for that person. Charlie Band, don't you think you have tainted your name enough with the likes of such bombs as: Stitches, Retro-Puppetmaster, Hideous, and another other movie you have put your name on since you departure from Paramount. Just because you own a production company, doesn't mean you have the right to make garbage movies, and expect old Full Moon fans to just take them. We won', and most of us aren't.

My wife asks me constantly why I watch these movies. I am always disappointed, and feel chipped for watching them. I suppose I am a glutton to punishment or I am just hoping one day Full Moon will make a good movie again.

And what about the Video Zone? Was this such a studio joke they didn't wanna bother? Or did the actors just have nothing good to say about it?

Italian Alps! Indeed!

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