The Pretender 2001 (2001 TV Movie)
gets back to basics
13 July 2001
The further adventures of master impersonator Jarod as he rights wrongs while being pursued by the sinister organization that wants him back. Lots of plot points are revealed in this story of Jarod posing as an FBI agent to track down a killer, only to discover it's someone from his past, someone who is every bit his equal: another pretender. Meanwhile, the Centre Trio (as I call them), Miss. Parker, Sydney, and Broots, continue to unravel the secrets of the organization they work for, making startling discoveries along the way, with a major (and shocking) revelation for Miss. Parker at the climax. One of the things I didn't like about the final season of the show was that it started to get too wrapped up in its own mythology, but THE PRETENDER 2001 gets back to basics, creating a nice balance between the parallel stories of Jarod and The Centre without getting itself wound up. Thought a tad slow near the center, the film picks up again for the remainder, with a great performance by Michael T. Weiss. I can't understand why he hasn't gotten more film work; he's very talented. And of course, Miss. Parker nicely wears an ultra-skimpy skirt during the first half-hour. Not as good as some of the regular episodes (especially the first two years of the series), but I'm just thankful TNT gave so much interest in one of my favorite shows. Hopefully, the upcoming sequels will be just as good.
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