WWF Superstars (1986–2001)
WWF Superstars of Wrestling! It was a tremendous program!
8 September 2004
Below is in My opinion and a brief description of the program.

I'd always watch WWF Superstars of Wrestling as much as could. In the show's later years it came on late at night and this was thrilling. It was hosted by Vince McMahon and Jerry "The King" Lawler. The show would have good matches mostly some big names against some no names and then there'd be a good main event. Three matches in 1994 that come to mind that were special was the then WWF Champion Bret "The Hit-man Hart" against Bob Backlund. It was a terrific technical wrestling match. Backlund thought that he beat Bret because it was a very close count and Hart rolled Bob up and beat him. This is the match that caused Backlund to snap. He viciously attacked Bret and then looked at his hands like what has he done? This was really a big surprise. Another match up was when King Kong Bundy returned to the ring and fought Mitch Bishop. Bundy just totally mauled this wrestler. And the other was when Shawn Michaels and Diesel (Kevin Nash) were tag team champions. They fought Reno Riggins and Gary Scott. They just beat these two wrestlers up but it was mostly Big Daddy Cool that did the work. He Jacknife Powerbombed Scott very hard to the mat! Also during this match up Charlie Minn, a new WWF personality talked a bit and this appearance of his went something like this. He just got a note and it read " The King's royal robe has not been washed in six months" and he said it must stink! I thought that this was hilarious! This show was one of the WWF's best shows! If you are able to watch this show in any way do it because it was a special one. Thanks for reading!
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