Excellent job by Bookwalter
14 May 2001
I really liked the first Witchouse. I don't know why-It really was a ripoff of Night of the Demons, but it was good in a better-than-most-recent-Full Moon movies kinda way. I was very happy to hear there was a sequel in the works. The title was catchy, and It sounded like it was on the same line as the first. Well...It was not!

When I first saw this one, I was like...Ariauna Albright playing 3 characters--Lilith looked more like a Demon than a witch...Well, I watched it again...and was surprised.

I'd like to believe there was money invested in this movie. Not the typical $100 or so thousand dollars that each of the recent Full Moon movies seemed to made with. SURPRISE - It was made for $120,000. I felt the movie was shot brilliantly. It was gorgeous. The scenes in Romania, the country side....GORGEOUS! The whole recreating of Lilith was a new twist, and it worked. This very well could have been the first Witchouse, without a sequel. I did not like the idea of Lilth having Minions, only because I thought they looked very ridiculous. I did like the symbol that Lilith was given. Very creepy looking....I liked Ariauna as Lilith, and Dementina, but as the doctor, I thought she sucked...oh, well....I would really like to see a 3rd one!

This movie also had something most other Full Moon movies don't...A plot. Benjamin Carr is the writer for almost everything Full Moon releases...Not this one...This was written with a concept in mind..a good story..the element of the disease, the curse on the town, etc..very good....I just bought the DVD, but don't have it yet...I should by mid week..I can't wait to watch the extra stuff on it...

9 out of 10
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