A nice feel good movie, a reel good kack!
21 April 2001
This is a film that is very easy to relate to for somebody who grew up living in a small Australian town. Overall, the film is quite a clever play on a simple story line, and it makes you wonder why this theme wasn't explored or performed years ago. The only character in the film who seems oddly out of place is "Pat" (Ewan Stewart). You have to ask why a former Scottish Football Star would end up running a pub in an out of the way Irish fishing village? Again the character "Pat" provides the only sad note in the film as he splits from his screen wife as a result of his filandering ways. His wife played by Niamh Cussack, plays a lead in the film, but is not without some blame for the split in the marriage. Through the film there is the suggestion of romantic interest in another of the lead characters.

Other notable moments in the film that tickled my funny bone are when "Ollie" describes his desire to local Post Mistress to, "take a woman to the celestial heavens and worship her", and those "Church Bells". Overall, I had a really good kack when I saw this film in the cinema. Comedy films aren't generally meant to make you think, they are more meant to entertain. "American Women" or "The Closer You Get" definately entertains. I've certainly seen a lot worse low budget comedies, and for that matter, I've certainly seen some real shockers that have been made on a high budget. The "Closer You Get" is definately good value for money.
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