exceptionally 'queer' reading of Wilde's classic
22 August 2003
This BBC 'play of the month' positively revels in the gay subtext of 'Dorian Gray', and perhaps with the cast it has (John Gielgud as Henry, Jeremy Brett as Basil, Peter Firth as Dorian) this was inevitable. However it came about, it certainly gives the novel's dramatisation (courtesy of John Osbourne) considerable zip.

I do have a bit of a quibble with Peter Firth's Dorian, he is a bit too much of a petulant, self-centred brat to really highlight the complex character created by Wilde. But this is offset by the marvellous acting of Gielgud and Brett (and of Nicholas Clay as the unhappy scientist Alan, and Judi Bowker as Sybil Vane). Despite only being able to restrict the settings to 3/4 interiors the story comes through strongly - the only problem is how to convincingly convey the passing of a number of years, and I'm not quite sure the make-up department succeeded here!

Overall, though, this is an excellent version and great to see it dusted off and available again.
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