Final Fantasy VIII (1999 Video Game)
And now comments from a *non* Gamer...
11 April 2000
I've grown up wanting to play other people... to slip into their lives and see how they're different-- and similar-- to myself. I didn't actually get involved in pen-and-paper RPG's until I graduated from college, and haven't found many computer or console games that have been of any interest to me...

That is, until I played one of the Final Fantasy games. The first game I played was FFVI (which was, what, III in Japan?) and I was hooked. I loved the characters, and I was annoyed when the couples at the end didn't work out the way I wanted them to. ;) But I loved the way everything meshed together, and it wasn't simply a matter of running from point a to point b and beating up anything that got in your way.

Then I started playing FF8, and I was completely blown away. Just the opening graphics stunned me, and I hadn't even *started* the game itself yet. I haven't quite finished the game yet (I started over 'cause I got confused over an aspect of the Guardian Forces, so I got to a battle that was impossible for me to win, and I couldn't get away from it.) but I've made it through 3/4 of it, and all I can say is that I've *NEVER* seen a video game that made me cry... but this one accomplished it.

I look at the game as an outsider to the industry... I hate the fighting games where you do nothing but face off against an opponent in the ring. I see no point to them. The run-around-with-big-guns-and-blow-things-up games do nothing for me either. I like the games that are more like puzzles and that make you think about what you're doing (like Tetris, Mah Jong, things like that). However, FF8 gets the highest rating I can give a game, because I find it fascinating and beautifully made. Others who have played bazillions of other games find things wrong with FF8 left and right, because it's different from what they're used to... Since I went into it with an open mind of sorts, however, all I can see is the overpowering beauty and emotion of the characters, animation, and design.
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