29 October 2000
I wouldn't want to spoil the party so, yes, this film is an important look at the serious social problems inherent in France and the lack of ability and care of the authorities to do anything about it. Yes, it is hard hitting. Yes, the camera work is exceptionally beautiful and masterfully handled.

But, I can't seem to get rid of the weird feeling I get when a (approx.) two hour film tries to condense so many problems into such a short time. The dialogue becomes self righteous and totally unbelievable. Also, the characters were unbelievable either. The main character is conveyed as an almost angelic do-gooder who can do no harm. His partner, as well, is dissappointing - it is just too obvious to take a georgous wild sculptress to help decorate the film. A friend suggested to me that the partner's one dimensional role suggests sexually discriminatory undertones.
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