Clooney gives his all in storming depressant.
24 November 2000
Active, exciting, moving...depressing. I have so many mixed emotions about this movie due to realising that more or less everything we see is true. George Clooney perfectly captures the busy, yet quite lonely man, that was Billy Tyne. Mark Whalberg, who supported Clooney in 'Three Kings', also gives an excellent performance as Bobby Shatford. The movie, on a whole, succeeds where a lot of films this year have - it's gripping. The whole scenario of the storm, the crew, the boat and the relationships are so scarily captivating it's unreal. However, if you don't know the ending or what goes on in the film, i won't say anything, but be warned! This film has scarred my mind. The performances from all actors are so good, i was depressed for about 3 days afterwards! That is the only weakness however. It's a great film a really worth watching. I would also recommend the book to anyone who hasn't read it - A bloody good read, although even that has it's depressing moments. 8/10 - worth purchasing because it could effectively become a classic.
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