Review of Gun Shy

Gun Shy (2000)
Nothing else to do in bus queue
3 November 2002
Gone are the days when Liam Neeson participated in some decent films like The Mission (1986)(qv), Schindler's List (1993), Nell (1994), Rob Roy (1995) or even The Haunting (1999): today he is lined up for all the worst possible outcomes, like any other Keanu Reeves and such like: indistinguishable from anybody else queueing up for a number 57 bus in southern London.

Such is this apology of a film; I only put it on as the first channel was showing the 111th flick with Sylvester Stallone being a tough guy, and a US-Mexican coproduction with some bloke doing more or less the same with lots of blood and gore thrown in for bad measure. Liam Neeson with an always sexy Sandra Bullock seemed more attractive, though not much; I should have got a book off the bookshelf... Too late now to feel sorry for myself, or even for Liam and Sandra.

Any silly attempts at touches of humour were so badly done that they had the subtlety of walking into a cement wall at over 8kph (which is about 5mph for you lot over there). Such that after about eleven and a half minutes one cannot help thinking that Liam Neeson must have had severe tax problems somewhere and had no choice but to throw himself into this mindless charade. If I had known I might have lent him a few pennies/pesetas/lira/cents, so that he could at least have thrown himself into Ms. Bullock's arms without the camera looking on. Then, I suppose, I would have been spared the torture of excrutiating belly-ache watching this total waste of time for everyone concerned in making it and afterwards watching it.

When a few moments of pseudo-imitation Morricone-styled music turned up I almost threw a flower-pot of my wife's at the screen, but refrained from doing so for two very unquestionable motives: one, my wife would not speak to me for weeks (which might just be a blessing in disguise), and two, given the present rate of Dollar-Euro, it would cost me nearly a thousand of either to replace it with a new set.

Who said that watching the cathode tube was one of the most effortless of occupations? Well, he was wrong, precisely because trying to stomache this kind of tripe requires enormous strength of character, patience and supranatural effort.

So save your money on buying/renting this one and send it to your favourite non-government organization. You will be doing far more good to somebody in the world and neither Liam nor Sandra will notice or care.
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