Review of Innocents

Innocents (2000)
A mind boggling thriller, sexy and scary, the acting is amazing
18 May 2002
My girlfriend and I just watched this picture about this French cello teacher who gets into a car wreck and meets these two crazy sisters and go on a wild ride and meet up with a perverted judge, two crazed gunmen and their alchohalic mother. From the second the movie started I knew it was going to be good when it opens with Keith David as one of the detectives. We were disappointed that there wasn't more of him but there was enough. The film really takes you on a roller coaster ride. The women are portrayed really well in this film. Ann Archer was unbelievable as the girl's alchohalic mother. Her acting alone was worth the viewing. (All the actors are terrific but she really stood out) We actually had to rewind and watch her again there was so much in her performance. The film has some slow moments but the photography was stunning, the cameos although too brief and spotty we found ourselves on the edge of our seats the entire time. Don't watch it alone there are a few scenes that will definitely creep you out!!
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