Boy Meets Girl (I) (1998)
25 March 2003
If you like 80s movies, this one's for you. The story is really cute and parts of it are downright hilarious. When Harry Met Sally comes to mind, with hints of John Hughes added for good measure.

This is definitely a teen movie, but the difference is it takes place in college and the characters are about to graduate. Yes, a boy does meet a girl. She's too pretty, so she attracts the wrong guys. He's too nice, so he doesn't attract any girls. Are they the perfect match?

The leads are wonderful. Joe is so adorable. Laura is also good. Personally, I would have liked a more - umm - normal-looking girl, but the script calls for a homecoming queen-type. There are also some other funny characters, including "Mr. Smooth." The director knows the territory and it's fun trying to pick out all of the 80s movie references. I like the choices he made, like showing both points of view of the main characters and letting them both talk to the camera (audience). Great dialogue, I laughed out loud a few times. And there must be 10 80s songs, that's like a song a minute!

I hope this movie is remade as a feature. It's not as predictable as you think and certainly more honest than the current crop of teen fare. I want to know what happens next!
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