Review of Aberdeen

Aberdeen (2000)
Riveting, spellbinding, and not for everyone
24 July 2002
In "Aberdeen", a young London attorney (Headey) goes to Norway to retrieve her long estranged alcoholic father (Skarsgard) and escort him to Aberdeen, Scotland for a last visit with her dying mother. Along the way, a simple journey becomes an odyssey of discovery as the 15 year separated father and daughter get to know the best and the worst of each other. The principals in this harsh, bitter, poignant, and sincere drama bust some serious acting chops as they flesh out their characters with shades of anger, hostility, vulnerability, courage, and quiet caring. A beautiful film for those into serious no frills drama. (B+)

Note - Shame on Tivo for giving this critically acclaimed audience pleaser a meager two stars.
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