A good picture of why Flockhart was picked for "Ally"
19 March 2002
Although the movie was panned by many, it offers a glimpse into the gradual downward spiral of a drug addict and her lover. In some ways this movie predicts scenes from 'Requiem for a Dream' with its less than glamorous portrayal of addiction and the life around it. What is most striking about the part is that it is an about face for fans of the sacharine "Ally McBeal" and shows that Flockhart, if a little over the top, could certainly be a bona fide film actress without the help of network television. This is brought further to bear in her part in "Midsummer Nights Dream" (see film list).

The movie itself is a nice change of pace and moves along well. Its very good on those days when you want to watch something a bit off the wall instead of the usual Hollywood blockbusted offering.

My Score: 8 out of 10
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