Good independent film
13 April 2004
It would normally be scary to approach the director to sign your movie and them say, "You actually own it?" But suffice to say, yes I do... and more so I am proud to own it. I hate Breckin Meyer with a passion. He's not that great of an actor when he's a lead (look at Road Trip and Rat Race for examples) so when I saw

he was the lead in this movie I was scared. But I bought it anyway. And to tell you the truth its hilarious! It's written/directed by "Drawing Flies"' Malcolm Ingram. Matt Gissing co-wrote it. I liked "Drawing Flies" alot but not as much as I enjoy Tail Lights Fade. Tail Lights Fade had the dialogue of a Kevin Smith

movie (go figure, Malcolm is good friends with Kevin himself) but had its own original twist on it. The story at teams seemed kind of weak but that didn't stop it by being so damn entertaining. I reccomend this movie to anyone who enjoys

fun road trip type movies. Breckin is the lead but he ain't so bad in this one. That really suprised me. I will own the next Malcolm Ingram movie, you can bet on

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