What a Waste of Time
23 May 1999
The movie started out a bit promising but sank after the opening scene. Who are these people and why do we care about them? The character development was so poor that I never felt like I knew who these people were. And if I have to watch another movie with Kris Kristofferson croaking one dimensionally through another movie, I will give up watching movies. He has no no emotional range whatsoever, which considering he is a main character is a major major flaw of this movie.

The plot holes are huge. Why take the time to develop the Nanny,her realtionship to the kids, her romance and then once in America never heard or mentioned again. What happened to her? Same for Francis. All that film time and then there was no goodbye, no letters . No mention again. What happened to him?

And if we knew anything about the daughter with all the supposed development of her childhood etc, why on earth does she out of no where start sleeping with anyone who will drop his pants. And that scene where the father has the boyfriend sleep over was absolutely laughable it was so bad.

The father dies and yet there is no funeral, no goodbye, no closure: cut next scene mother getting hammered again, brother moping around depressed. Mother hoisting that diary at her son who doesn't want to read it right after the father dies. Why? Why then?

This is the problem with the whole movie. A lot of things happen but because we don't know the characters. The screenplay has so many holes we never really know anything at all. It all becomes very disjointed and by the end I was laughing it was so bad. 2 stars and please no more Kristofferson(reminds me of John Wayne and Robert Mitchem, both who couldn't act or emote either)
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