Frontline: Six O'Clock News (1996)
Season 15, Episode 2
Different Perspective
3 September 2004
Seeing this movie made me ponder about a few things. The way that Ross McElwee presents this documentary is very different from any other documentary I have ever seen. Ross McElwee's narration during this film makes ever scene creepy in a way. His voice has a huge affect on this film. This story is about a man who carries around is camera everywhere and discovers this world in the six o'clock news. He goes on location and meets these different people (that were generally seen in the six o'clock news) over the course of years at a time. His perspective on these stories are touching because he makes it seem that the media is all about sensationalism and that it only shows seconds of these peoples' sadness or problem. Ross McElwee may seem crazy in this movie because of the way he acts. However, he poses questions in this film about society and the media that are unanswerable and extremely interesting. It's almost like you know this guy from somewhere because is voice always seems like it's in the back of your own head.

Although this is a very crude way to film a documentary, you can relate to this story in some way or another. His opinions may be completely different, but just how he interviews people on their life and how he tells this story of the news and media is unique.

I rated this movie a 7/10. Even though it's not one of the best movies I've seen, It is very fascinating and well worth it to rent.
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