Review of Idiot Box

Idiot Box (1996)
Another Stunning Film From The Aussies
11 August 1999
Idiot Box is a deliberately paced,philosophical and realistic comedy/drama from Australia.

Like many Australian films this is an artistic and original piece of film making with something important to say.If you were thrilled by Bad Boy Bubby's intelligent and insightful script you will be equally pleased by Idiot Box's insightful,realistic and philosophical script.

This film is also written by it's Director. It's David Caesar''s first film and hopefully not his last.Caesar has made a film filled with realistic characters and equally true to life situations and denouements to them.This is a film with great dialogue which amuses and provokes thought.His characters are all well developed and very credible as possible real people.

The story of Idiot Box is about two unemployed losers Kev (Ben Mendelson) and Mick (Jeremy Sims),who one day decided that robbing a bank wouldn't be such a bad idea.The movie deals with the lead up to this possible event and at the same time it is very much a slice of life style film.Like many great Australian film's (e.g. The Well) Idiot Box is able to have it's cake and eat it.By having solid character development and a enjoyable and original story.

The performances are also strong.Ben Mendelson as the explosive and angry Kev is extremely credible never becoming a caricature of his character for a minute.The smarter,slack and philosophical Mick is equally well played by Jeremy Sims.Sims brings to the screen a wonderfully multi-layered character who seems utterly credible.

David Caesar has also brought a sumptuous visual design to his picture making the most of cinema's widescreens.He shows us many lovely panoramic views of the wasteland of Australian suburbia.If this is not seen in the theaters or on video without widescreen much of the film's eloquence and beauty will be lost.

Overall Idiot Box is another powerful and meaningful film from Australia,which excels in all elements of film making.Idiot Box also packs an ending which though in some ways an anti-climax,it is one the truest and credible endings I've seen in film.

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