Sad but true fact about the German underground prostitution ring
8 September 2001
The setting of the movie is a average german city with an average german family. The girl Natalie feels abandoned by her family who only seem to care about their other smaller daughter who has asthma. After several fights with her dad, Natalie decides to run off with a guy she meets (whish ends up being a middle man for a prostitution ring). Natalie gets stuck deeper and deeper into the child prostitution ring, and there almost seems to be no way out. The movie is a sad but true image about the german underground prostitution ring. It shows how a girl with uncarering parents can drive her to end up on the streets. One thing that troubled me was that they did show several scenes that showed Natalie (who is only about 14-15) naked. I would not really consider it child pornography because it is meant to disturb the viewer. My last words on this is that it has a great storyline, showing not only the prostitution ring of Frankfurt, but also some modern german culture. But i dont think it is possible to get a hold of this movie here in the US because of the nude scenes that show a 14-15 year old girl.

Tristan Katz_6988
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