Wow, finally a sequel!
29 September 1999
"Death Wish V: The Face of Death" (DVD title just "Death Wish: The Face of Death")is the first sequel into the series that really is any good. "Death Wish", a classic. "Death Wish II", a disappointment. "Death Wish 3", good action otherwise lousy. "Death Wish 4: The Crackdown", a sequel that never should have been made. And finally the underrated "Death Wish V: The Face of Death", the only sequel that measures up. Considering this was straight to video, it doesn't seem to be. There is enough Bronson action for fans but its not overblown to get in the way of the story. Most people probably won't even give this a chance because of the other cruddy sequels. Give this a try, I'm not saying your guaranteed to like it, but its a very good film for Bronson who has finally come to an end with his acting career.
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