Mother's Boys (1993)
Jamie Did This One for the Money
15 July 1999
What other explanation could there be for Jamie Lee Curtis agreeing to appear in this laughably horrible "thriller?" She plays a mentally disturbed ex-wife and mother who returns after many years to reclaim her family. Oops! Daddy has already found a new girlfriend. Oops again! The kids like the girlfriend! Of course, mayhem ensues, right up until the literal "cliffhanger" ending.

The director either ran out of film, or decided he couldn't possibly wrap the story up neatly, because the big climatic scene suddenly simply ends without explanation or resolution.

The best part of this film is watching Jamie Lee do her best impersonation of Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct. Even if you're able to rent this one at the local video store for under a buck, you're spending too much.
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