What was the attraction of this movie?
20 February 2004
Everyone I know who watched this movie liked it, but I thought it was quite bad. Yet this one scores higher than "Mind Ripper" here. Just shows I have differing tastes I guest. This one is more original than that movie, but this one also is not the least bit scary. The jokes to me are not very funny either, so it is no wonder that I don't like this. It is about a bunch of guys and a kid robbing the house of these slum lords. Well what they find is that the house is well protected and that the two that live and preside over the house are a tad crazy. The kid gets away by hiding in the walls, then he is caught and put under the stairs with the title characters who do not play as big a role in the film as the title implies. Along the way we see various things die such as a kid and a dog, but nothing that would approach a true horror film. There are also many twists and turns here and there, but nothing to shocking (well maybe the one revelation is). What you end up with is a movie with no real direction and no real thrills or chills.
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