Review of Chances

Chances (1991–1992)
Plot-line gone haywire
25 July 2000
I remember I was in High School when this classic piece of Australian TV graced our screens. Promoted to be a sophisticated, stunning shift in the direction of Australian programming, it soon began to smell like a forgotten cooked chicken in the boot (trunk) of the family car. The show caused a lot of controversy when first aired simply because of the fact that it contained a lot of tits and bum. When the public no longer cared about that, they swiftly moved on to eradicating great swathes of cast members in original and enjoyable death scenes. Finally the show limped into severely bizarre storylines and plots involving god-knows-what (no-one actually remembers, we were no longer watching) that produced a thoroughly embarassing television show for the actors and public alike. May it rest in peace.
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