TerrorVision (1986)
Maybe If The Daughter Got The Chest.....
9 March 2001
Warning: Spoilers
SOME SPOILERS MIGHT BE INCLUDED: I saw this movie when I was still in high school and I loved it, but now I have to wonder what I was thinking. While I'm still fascinated by it as a curiosity, the movie really is kind of a train wreck as movies go with a claustrophobic set and a family so dysfunctional that the Bundys on "Married with Children" look normal. The parents are swingers, their daughter is a Lauper clone to the extreme, grandpa is illogically battle-fatigued and the son who seems normal is probably going to have issues when he gets older. This so-called family plays host to an alien accidentally beamed to their house "Star Trek" style that travels through the circuits of the house with the televisions as the doorways. Diane Franklin of "Amityville 2" admittedly looks cute as the daughter, but she's venomous toward everyone except her braindead boyfriend played by Johnathan Gries who looks like Don Knotts gone punk. Future teenage heartthrob and Ricky Schroeder wanna-be Chad Allen is the brother trying to warn everyone of the monster. When no one believes him, he calls in big breasted Jennifer Richards who plays a take-off of Elvira. The movie host as a partner is stolen from "Fright Night." With these many eccentrics running loose, the plot is quickly forgotten but limps along to an anti-climactic ending nevertheless. Still, the movie is a bit of a cult hit, and what insults hurled at it quickly bounce off. Even with the tagged on ending, it is a worthy candidate for the files of MST3K.
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