An underrated gem, -intellectual and imaginative.
17 October 2002
Young Sherlock Holmes is an underrated masterpiece of imagination. The film is almost impossible to find now, even though it was produced by Spielberg, directed by Barry Levinson, and written by Chris Columbus! The film should be on DVD, but instead it is nearly non-existent. The special effects are still amazing, and much more convincing then most of the cartoonish CGI effects used today. It was actually the first film to use a three dimensional computer effect in film, courtesy of Industrial Light & Magic, and was given an academy award for it. Columbus later copied his own film and basically remade it as Harry Potter, which undeservedly took all the credit for creativity. This film is highly recommended if you can find a copy. Be sure to wait until after the credits are finished, for the surprise ending, which is jaw dropping! The characters are rich with personality and the story is imaginative to the max. Don't be fooled by the lack of "stars" in the cast. The film surpases most blockbusters with no difficulty. There should have been a sequel, and it should definitely be released widescreen on DVD.
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