The most existential Slasher to have been made. Warning *Spoilers
18 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Back in the 80's when horror films where everywhere. One film series was (financially anyway) running all over the others. That was Friday the 13th.

The best of them was Friday the 13th Part 4. So good because the emphasis of the film was not on teenagers and sex and pointless sub-plots. But on death and the fear of death coming out into the world unrestricted by anything at all.

The next best of these was Friday the 13th Part 5, A new beggining. Why??? When so many other people have bagged it. Because, when it comes down to it, its really alot darker and more disturbed then any other slashers that are made (bar non-slasher specific horror films). The lead character is violent and mentally disturbed. He is the begginings of a psychopathic personality. His name is Tommy and he isnt going camping or meeting friends at school. He is in a mental home isolated in a small country town which could never exist in the real world. Only in a horror world could this town exist.

There are no normal characters in this film. The murders are bloody and agressively violent. The directing is much better then the films that came after it and for the most part the films that came before it. The photography and camerawork in Part 5 are excellent and really give Friday the 13th its definitive look. Faded browns and dusty greens.

The murders are not so seperate from the rest of the film in this one. They are not the only point of interest. And when the finale happens it is not just a protracted chase sequence, it really is a massacre. Finally when Jason is killed it isnt simply the invincible monster being stopped for good. It is another murder of another person. Shot really effectively in terms of effect beyond just a "good wins over evil climax".

In terms of slasher films it has more deaths by far than most slashers offer. The situations the murders occur in are sleazy and demented, Really alot of this film displays a terror of the outside world and the danger it can pose.

The acting in this film is also alot better then most of the Friday the 13ths (and most slashers in general and I am including all the Scream,I know what you did last summer movies.

I think anyone with an interest in psychology and films should watch this. The script doesnt have it but the feelings raised within the film by the film and its makers (possibly subconciously) do.

Second best Friday the 13th

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