Re: Terrible, but filled with that D'Amato charm!
23 January 2001
I finally obtained a copy of this very obscure D'Amato film. After successfully tolerating both "Erotic Nights of The Living Dead" and "Porno Holocaust," I found it necessary to further push the limits of my tolerance with this, another D'Amato porno/horror galivanting-in-paradise film. First off, I don't speak German, and since this film only exists in a German dubbed print I had to get what I could out of the body language, of which there was quite a lot, albeit of the sexual kind. I couldn't help but snicker at myself about what I have become. Here I am watching a more than likely 8th generation bootleg in a language I don't even speak. Yet I am intent on seeing it and have no inclination to stop it. Have I gone insane? Has the awesome power of Italian Horror Sleaze turned me into one of its own zombies? Though this film is terrible, it possesses a charm that I can't resist. It is the same charm that has afforded me the will to watch about %50 of D'Amato's output. The beautiful Caribbean scenery, the sexy women, the pig slaughter, the leg-crossing oral castration that opens the film, all culminate into one rediculous, schizophrenic movie. I guess that is what most of D'Amato's horror/porn films are...schizophrenic. Worth watching if you are a hardcore D'Amato fan, otherwise don't buy into those video bootleg companies who try to promote it like its some crazy, gory, sex filled cannibal romp Because its not. There is plenty of softcore sex, some gore but not much. There is only one scene of cannibalism (not counting the castration scene). This film can be sometimes found under the title "Papaya: Love Goddess Of The Cannibals." From what I could tell, this film had more to do with Voodoo then cannibalism. Nonetheless, I liked the film, I love D'Amato and I don't apologize for indulging in this kind of sleaze. Cheers Joe! May you rest in peace!
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