Invasion (1966)
Eerie, British 60's sci fi
23 June 2004
I have seen Invasion a couple of times and found it rather eerie. I taped it when it came on Channel 4 during the early hours.

A spaceship crashes near a rural, English hospital and its occupant, who looks human, is taken there to be treated after being run over by a car. Just after, a force field appears around the hospital, obviously something to do with the aliens. The army are called in to help to investigate. Strange things then start happening in the surrounding countryside as two mysterious Chinese looking women kill a man and head for the hospital. These are more aliens. They are searching for their colleague. They find him and they head back to their home planet in a flying saucer.

This is a well shot, British sci fi and must one of the last to be shot in black and white.

The only actors I am familiar with in this movie are sci fi regular Edward Judd (Island Of Terror, First Men In the Moon) and Barrie Ingham (Dr Who And the Daleks).

This movie is worth a look if you get the chance, but it does not seem to be available on VHS or DVD anywhere.

Rating: 3 stars out of 5.
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