A huge disappointment for an avid Rene Clair fan
25 June 2002
A womanizing soldier (circa WWI) makes a wager with his fellow soldiers that he will be able to seduce any woman chosen at random. The woman is chosen, he goes for it. You can probably guess most of the rest: he falls in love with her unexpectedly, she finds out about the wager, there is a question of whether they will ever truly get together, yada yada yada. Yes, it's that old plot. Perhaps Clair invented it, but I doubt it. It would later be used in every fourth movie ever made in the 1980s. I hoped that Clair could make it work. My favorite films of his are so effortlessly romantic that I expected him to be able to do it. Alas, he can't. This film lacks everything that made films like Le million charming and romantic. This one is cold and dull. I didn't like either of the leads. The man was completely despicable and the woman was frigid. Scenes move too quickly, and there is no feeling in them. The only bright spots are some nice cinematography (it was Clair's first film in color, and it looks as if the whole thing has been painted with watercolors) and a nice little supporting role by the enormously darling young Brigitte Bardot. 5/10.
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