Helping Americans Understand The Nazi Mind Set
10 March 2002
A MGM Short Subject.

At the end of World War One, a Munich general turned professor begins to develop Germany's PLAN FOR DESTRUCTION for the next global conflict.

This fascinating little film will serve as a primer to the Nazi theory of geopolitics, by which they hoped to control all the lands around them & bring about their eventual domination of the entire world. A very interesting sidelight shows how the Nazis went about gathering massive amounts of information about their potential enemies.

MGM's fatherly Lewis Stone is the Host/Narrator; Frank Reicher does a fine job playing Professor Karl Haushofer.

After Pearl Harbor, Hollywood went to war totally against the Axis. Not only did many of the stars join up or do home front service, but the output of the Studios was largely turned to the war effort. The newsreels, of course, brought the latest war news into the neighborhood theater every week. The features showcased battle stories or war related themes. Even the short subjects & cartoons were used as a quick means of spreading Allied propaganda, the boosting of morale or information dissemination. Together, Uncle Sam, the American People & Hollywood proved to be an unbeatable combination.
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