IMDb Polls

Poll: Face-Off: Favorite Alternate History TV Series

Alternate history is a genre of speculative fiction of stories in which one or more historical events occur and are resolved differently than in real life.

Which is your favorite alternate history TV series?

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    For All Mankind (2019)

    In an alternative version of 1969, the Soviet Union beats the United States to the Moon
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    The Man in the High Castle (2015)

    The Axis powers of Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan rule the world after their victory in World War II
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    Motherland: Fort Salem (2020)

    The series takes place in a women-dominated world in which the U.S. ended persecution of witches 300 years ago during the Salem witch trials after an agreement known as the Salem Accord.
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    The Plot Against America (2020)

    Characters live in an alternative history in which Franklin D. Roosevelt was defeated in the U.S. presidential election of 1940 by Charles Lindbergh.

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